When you sign up to receive electric service from GVEC, you automatically become a member-owner of the Cooperative. Although all of GVEC’s services are available to you as a member, you have the added advantage of certain exclusive benefits.
As a member of GVEC, you can enjoy:
- Nomination and election of the GVEC Board of Directors
- Participation in District and Annual Meetings
- Capital Credits
- Free expert Energy Efficiency Audits and advice
- Access to Energy Efficiency Rebates (where applicable)
- Instant Energy Efficiency Rebates with purchases from GVEC beyond the meter products
- Access to college and trade school Scholarships for graduating seniors
- Monthly Texas Co-op Power magazine featuring The GVEC Review
Board of Directors
GVEC is owned by and democratically run by its members who elect a Board of Directors. They are elected by the members to govern the business of GVEC with the use of Cooperative Bylaws.
District and Annual Meetings
The Board consists of 11 directors elected to serve a three-year term. (The terms are staggered, so three District Meetings are held every third year to nominate Director Candidates, and four District Meetings are held the other years). Board Director Candidates are nominated at their respective District Meetings in spring. Watch for the official notice of your District Meeting in The GVEC Review local pages within Texas Co-op Power magazine, by direct mail, in your local newspaper, and on GVEC social media pages including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Candidates are officially elected at the Annual Meeting held on the fourth Friday in June each year. Watch for the Annual Meeting notice with the time, date, and location in The GVEC Review local pages within Texas Co-op Power magazine, by direct mail, and in your local newspaper. A mail-in proxy is also direct mailed for members who cannot attend the meeting.
All members have the right to vote for Directors by ballot at the Annual Meeting or by mail-in proxy prior to the meeting. Memberships in the name of non-natural persons (e.g., churches, businesses, civic clubs, etc.) must be voted by proxy. The Annual Meeting also includes a presentation on the state of the electric industry as well as GVEC business.
Capital Credit Distributions
As a not-for-profit organization, the Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative allocates a portion of its net return to members who purchased electricity within that year. Each member contributing to the Cooperative’s margin gets capital credits placed in a holding account until a portion is “retired,” or distributed. Retirements are made periodically at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Texas Co-op Power magazine featuring The GVEC Review
GVEC provides a monthly publication to our member-owners to keep you up to date on the most recent news and information that affect your electric bill and additional cooperative services of interest to you. This is where announcements such as rate changes and efficiency tips and products can be found in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and this website. As a bonus, you’ll get entertaining articles and information about local and statewide people, places, events, and recipes!