With SunHub, there’s no sign-up fee, no large upfront investment, no long-term contracts and no cancellation penalty fees. You simply sign up to purchase blocks of solar energy each month! Click here to see live production stats of the SunHub Generation Station and how that energy translates into day-to-day conservation efforts.
What is Sunhub

In December 2017, GVEC brought the SunHub Generation Station online, the Co-op’s first ever generation asset and community solar project. The two-megawatt facility, located on Highway 90A between Seguin and Gonzales, was one of only seven distribution-scale solar projects underway as of that time in Texas. The facility is designed to deliver more than 4 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of clean energy thanks to its 6,500 solar panels powered by the South Texas sunshine.Members have an opportunity to support this renewable energy project by purchasing solar energy through the SunHub Community Solar program.
How the program works – It’s simple!
- Purchase from one to five blocks of solar energy per month. Each block equals 100kWh, so you can buy up to 500kWh per month.
- The Generation and Transmission (G&T) rate for solar energy is reviewed annually. The current SunHub G&T rate is $0.059 cents per kWh ($5.90 per 100 kWh block).
- If you have questions about how many blocks you should purchase, a Customer Service Representative can help determine the best number based on your historical usage.
- The number of blocks purchased and associated cost will appear as a separate line item on your monthly bill for easy monitoring.
- Unsubscribe to the program at any time without a penalty fee.
To subscribe, fill out the Subscribe to SunHub form below. For more information, see our FAQ’s below or call a Customer Service Representative at 800.223.4832.
SunHub Program FAQ’s:
The current SunHub Generation & Transmission (G&T) rate is $0.059 cents per kWh ($5.90 per 100 kWh block). Members can purchase from one (100 kWh) to five blocks (500kWh) per month. The Generation and Transmission (G&T) rate for solar energy is reviewed annually.It is important to understand what goes into your monthly electric bill. Your bill has two major components; a Distribution rate which covers the costs to get electricity to your home or business and a G&T rate which accounts for the cost of purchasing wholesale power. Although it happens infrequently, the Distribution rate is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the GVEC Board of Directors. The G&T rate will be reviewed annually under this program.
Subscribe to SunHub
Complete the form below to set up your subscription.