In our region, AC/heating costs make up around 50% of the average home electric bill. That means summer heat can be not only physically uncomfortable but financially draining too. GVEC is committed to helping members use electricity more efficiently and offers a number of tools to help. One of tools for improved energy efficiency is our free energy audit for members.

Inefficiencies around your home—large and small—can significantly impact your home electric bill. They can also take a toll on AC performance and durability over time. GVEC’s free home energy audit helps identify ways to improve your energy e.

GVEC technicians have seen a lot through the years, but there are certain common, avoidable energy-wasters we see repeatedly. These include things like air leaking through dilapidated weather stripping or eroded caulking around doors and windows. Leaky or improperly installed attic ductwork is another issue we often encounter, as are refrigerators/freezers with damaged seals and insufficient/inefficient attic insulation. Older, inefficient AC/heating systems are another common problem, while dirty AC filters are among the most easily fixed issues we routinely run into. Whatever inefficiencies may be present in your home, GVEC’s technicians have the knowhow and tools to find both common and other problems that could be hindering your energy efficiency.

Time of Use: Solar Electricity on Your Schedule

If you’re a Cooperative member and own home solar panels, we offer another tool that can potentially save even more on home electric bills: Time of Use (TOU) billing. TOU participants receive electricity at rates that fluctuate according to time of day and the amount of electricity demand along GVEC’s grid. Solar owners with home battery storage are especially well-suited for TOU. These members can store excess energy generated by panels and run their homes on battery power when TOU rates are highest. Even without home battery storage, though, TOU is worth considering for all home solar owners.

To learn more about TOU, our free home energy audit for members or to schedule an audit, call 800.223.4832. To learn more about GVEC’s line of solar and battery storage products and services, call 855.898.8807. You can also visit for information on any Cooperative product and service and regular efficiency tips.

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