Power Up Grant Application

Is your organization interested in applying for a Power Up grant for a community development project? All of the information you need, including eligibility requirements and application, is below, or you can download, print and return an application to a GVEC office by mail, in person, by email or fax.

If you have questions about eligibility or need assistance with completing the application, call to speak with a Community Relations Representative, at 800.223.4832. Or, email us at info@gvec.org.

  • Education
  • Youth Programs
  • Health Care
  • Community Development
  • Civic and Community Outreach
  • Public Safety/Service Organizations

  • Projects must lie within the outer geographical boundary lines of the GVEC service area or have overlapping service areas in order to be eligible for GVEC Power Up grant funding.
  • Example 1: GVEC’s service area does not share overlapping territory with cities outside our geographical boundary lines; however, GVEC does share areas of service within the counties in which they lie. Therefore, certain school, county and service projects in these areas would be eligible for grants.
  • Example 2: Cities located within the outer geographical boundary lines of the GVEC service territory, even though not served by GVEC, are eligible for Power Up grant funding. Some examples of cities in this situation that would be eligible are the City of Seguin, City of Gonzales, City of Cuero, etc. Non-profit organizations, schools, and county projects within the outer boundary lines are also eligible for grant funding.
  • Project must be capital in nature or new project oriented and not something that the organization regularly does (no standard, ongoing projects, programs, or activities will be eligible). This grant is intended to provide funding for start-up costs, not ongoing activities or expenses.
  • Project must be completed within 12 months of the date the grant money is awarded.
  • This grant program is intended to provide finishing grants. If your organization is asking for partial funding of a larger project, you must include a total budget plan that clearly shows how you will complete the project within 12 months (ex: where the rest of the funds are coming from to finish the project).
  • Property owner must sign off on the application, be a non-profit entity and may be required to show proof of long-term lease to the applicant.
  • The organization must contribute to the community’s health and/or welfare.
  • The organization’s services must be non-discriminatory in nature.
  • Upon completion of the project, the grant recipient must furnish a final completion report on the project, including receipts for materials, supplies, etc., related to the use of Power Up grant funds.
  • Organizations receiving grant funding should provide signage on the completed project, where applicable, showing GVEC Power Up support.

  1. Completed projects, debt-reduction campaigns, long-range projects that will take longer than 12 months to complete, scholarship programs, religious or church-sponsored facilities limited to church membership, other grant programs, general operating costs, office or administrative projects and equipment, land acquisition projects, and standard ongoing projects, programs, or activities.
  2. Training programs for staff where the value would be lost if the employee left the organization.
  3. Ineligible organizations include for-profit entities, individuals, and professional associations. (A professional association is usually a nonprofit organization that seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession, and the public interest.)

The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of funding requests:

  • Project Impact – Project impacts community-wide or county-wide as opposed to a project that impacts a smaller area or group.
  • Matching Funds – Preference will be given to projects that have at least 20% matching funds
  • Partnership & Community Involvement – Is the project receiving in-kind support or services?
  • Letters of Support – Does the community support this project? Did the organization have community leaders write letters of support?
  • Power Up Grant History –   Preference will be given to organizations that have not previously received a Power Up grant. Organizations cannot apply for Power Up grants for 3 years after they receive a Power Up grant.
  • Public Accessibility – Does the project include public educational outreach or demonstration component?
  • Project Budget – Is the project budget clear and concise? Does the budget add up correctly? If grant request doesn’t cover the cost of the entire project, has the organization clearly shown the ability to complete financing for the project? Does the application include bid proposals or estimates for all items over $1,000?
  • Well-Prepared Packet – Is the project well-defined and thought-through with a clear objective and reasonable budget and timetable?
  • Project Value – Ranks the overall worthiness of the project in building and enhancing communities within the GVEC service area.
Application Deadlines

There will be two funding cycles per year. Grant applications are due February 15 (for grant decisions announced in April) and August 15 (for grant decisions announced in October).

Applications must be received (NOT postmarked) at any GVEC office by 5 p.m. on the day of the deadline. If the deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, the deadline is extended to the next regular business day.

All documentation, including IRS exemption determination letter, must be received by the end of business on the deadline date in order to be eligible.

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Power Up Application

If you are not taken to a confirmation page after application submission, please confirm you have filled in all necessary fields.

If you need to save your progress and continue later, scroll to the end of the application and click “Save and Continue Later.” The screen will return to the top of the page. To retrieve the link required to complete your application, scroll down and save the link from the blue box.

Click HERE to download the Project Budget template. (Once complete, upload in the designated field below.)


Power Up Application

  • The project must fit one of 6 funding categories. Select the appropriate category above.
  • This application must be signed by the chief executive officer of the property owner requesting the grant.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • We recommend that all applications be accompanied by the following documentation:
    • Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • Max. file size: 40 MB.
    • Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 40 MB, Max. files: 5.
        Add any other supporting documents here.
      • Clear Signature
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.