We do our best to avoid power disruptions, but they are inevitable from time to time. If the power goes out, know that your GVEC team is working as quickly and safely as possible to get you back in service. Here are a few other things that would be good for you to know, too!

WE NEED YOU. When your power goes out, it might be just at your home or the entire neighborhood. GVEC’s 24/7 monitoring system is typically the first to detect outages and initiate the restoration process. However, there is a chance we may not know about it, so please report your outage when your power is out. Report your outage through the MyGVEC app, text with TextPower or call 800.223.4832.

IT’S A TEAM EFFORT. Every GVEC employee is working to get your power restored as soon as possible. Our customer service and control center staff are taking your calls, engineers and field services assess damage, vegetation management clears hazards, linemen organize crews and communicators keep everyone informed. When your power goes out, we all work together to get you back to normal.

WE ASSESS THE SITUATION FIRST. Every outage is different, and we must first evaluate the situation to understand the damage and determine the necessary materials and restoration plan. Our goal is always to fix the problem without compromising electric flow for the rest of our members.

IT TAKES TIME. Restoration is typically prioritized based on the largest number of members that can be restored in the shortest amount of time. Our crews also focus on responding to public safety issues and critical services like gas, water and waste water. Then we complete work that impacts the largest number of people. Restoration can’t always be accomplished with the flip of a switch and repairs on equipment such as downed wires, poles and transformers are needed.

BACKUP PLANS FOR CRITICAL NEEDS. We do our best to help those who need it, but if you depend on electricity for life support purposes, it’s important to have a backup plan, as we cannot predict how long restoration will take. This is especially important for families with babies, elderly members or those with medical needs.

HAZARDOUS WORK CONDITIONS. Our crews work around high-voltage electricity, wild animals, extreme weather conditions, falling trees and traffic hazards. While crews work as quickly as possible, slow and steady wins the race.

SOMETIMES IT’S A WAITING GAME. If issues outside our control cause the outage, we must wait for others’ response and repair efforts to be completed first. Dangerous weather conditions can also slow restoration efforts, but rest assured crews will proceed with the work when the situation is safe.

FLICKERING LIGHTS CAN BE NORMAL. Some members mistake flickering lights for outages, but these “blinks” often mean our equipment worked to prevent a potential outage caused by animals or tree limbs.

COMMUNICATION DURING OUTAGES. You can view real-time updates on our outage map online or on the MyGVEC app. We also update our social media sites as needed based on the impact and duration of the outage. In extreme situations, outage notifications via text and email will be sent. Verify your contact methods are up to date to stay informed.

WE’RE PEOPLE, TOO. Since GVEC is a local electric cooperative, our employees are your neighbors, friends and familiar community volunteers. When you’re without power, our people might be too. If you ever see our trucks in a restaurant parking lot while your power is out, know that sometimes our employees huddle in a safe, common area to map out their plan for getting your power back on. Also, our crews work long hard hours during outages and need to take time for meals just like everyone else.

Power outages can be frustrating and disruptive, and your GVEC team is dedicated to help every step of the way. We appreciate your patience, understanding and trust in GVEC. Rest assured, when the power goes out, we won’t quit until it’s back on!

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