On April 18, National Lineman Appreciation Day 2023 came and went at GVEC. Members of GVEC’s line crew enjoyed complimentary breakfast tacos in the morning and then spent another day in the field. That day unfolded like most others: GVEC’s lineman team did their jobs, relying on training and skill, focused on serving others. And of course, National Lineman Appreciation Day 2023 marked another day of our line crew’s unwavering commitment to safety not only for themselves, as individuals, but also for the members of the team, as brothers. Such lowkey celebrations are what most linemen prefer. Very few—if any—go into the job seeking accolades or glory.
Firsthand Insights About Lineman Work
To celebrate both National Lineman Appreciation Day 2023 and the spirit of service that defines GVEC’s lineman crew, we contacted Morgan Martinez, a GVEC linework veteran. We also reached out to Morgan’s wife Kirsten, who works at GVEC as a customer service representative, for insight into what it’s like to be married to a lineman. We asked Morgan a series of questions about working as a GVEC lineman. We think you’ll agree that his answers demonstrate the kind of lowkey, no-frills-or-fuss approach to the work we mentioned above.
GVEC Lineman Morgan Martinez
1. How long have you been a lineman?
A: I have been in the industry for almost seven years and a lineman for over three.
2. What led you to this kind of work?
A: In 2016, I saw a Facebook post by a good buddy of mine—[GVEC lineman] DJ Gonzales—about him competing in the Texas Lineman’s Rodeo. He was climbing poles and whatnot, and I thought it was the coolest thing. So, at that point, I knew I wanted to be involved in this kind of work. I quickly tried to get into the trade—and, most importantly, on with GVEC—as soon as I could.
3. You left GVEC, right? For how long? Why did you leave? Why did you return?
A: Yes sir, I did leave. I was gone about 7 months, and I realized rather quickly that I was missing my brothers. My intention when I left was to learn new skills and gain new experiences. I came back because GVEC is home for me. I feel like GVEC is the place where I can be the best me (lineman) I can be. GVEC welcomed me back with open arms, and I’m forever thankful for that.
4. What parts of the job do you like best?
A: This question is easy to answer. I could go on and on about all the things I love about being a lineman, but one of my favorite parts about this industry is the brotherhood you establish with the guys. You spend 90% of your time with these guys—in some cases, your life literally depends on them. We know each other’s wives and kids; we hangout on weekends; we become like family. There is just a brotherhood this industry creates that’s unmatched. There’s so much more I love about this trade, but I’ll just say this: You either love it or leave it.
5. What are your least favorite aspects of the job?
A: If I had to pick something I least liked, it would be leaving my family at home knowing I’ll be gone most, if not all night, working a storm, knowing my wife will be up most of that time worrying about me instead of getting some rest.
6. What advice might you have for someone considering becoming a lineman?
First, find a company that’s going to take care of you–one with a good apprenticeship program. And second, be willing to learn: This job isn’t something you learn over night. Being a lineman isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle.

Morgan, Kirsten and Kirsten’s younger sister Kinsey Velasquez.
1. What is the most difficult aspect of being a lineman’s wife?
A: Although there are many difficult aspects of being a lineman’s wife, I think one of the most difficult is worrying about my husband’s safety. He works an extremely hazardous job and does it in all weather conditions at all different hours of the day. I know he has been taught the best safety measures, but as a wife, it’s impossible not to worry.
2. What parts of your husband’s job as a lineman do you like best?
A: I love his passion for the job. I don’t think I’ve met another individual who shows as much love, drive and dedication to their job as Morgan does, and that makes me so proud of him. He never stops at what he’s already learned and done—it’s never enough; instead, he is always trying to pick up new skills and perform new tasks to make himself better at this trade.
A Cooperative ‘Thank You’ for National Lineman Appreciation Day 2023
We thank Morgan and Kirsten for taking some time to offer insights into working for GVEC as a lineman and being the spouse of a GVEC lineman. The Cooperative is proud of the work our linemen do and their commitment to safety and to serving others. Their approach to the job, day in and day out, represents the best of the cooperative spirit in action. For National Lineman Day 2023, we thank them for all they do at GVEC to help us keep serving, improving quality of life across local communities, exceeding expectations and delivering more.

GVEC Lineman Morgan Martinez works the line in various weather conditions as part of his job with GVEC’s line crew