Hurricane season 2023 is upon us, and GVEC is prepared to respond. Our extensive emergency planning ensures a quick and safe restoration of power in the event of a storm. We have learned valuable lessons from past experiences, such as Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and the severe winter weather in February 2021, which have made us stronger.

Planning and Prepared for Action

Collaborating with Texas Electric Cooperatives (TEC) and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), GVEC has developed an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that covers various scenarios to guide us in the proactive and reactive recovery of systems and operations in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. We are required by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and ERCOT to conduct semi-annual table-top exercises and drills to fine-tune our procedures and maintain the reliability of our systems.

We continuously monitor weather conditions and work with relevant local, state and national agencies to gather accurate information. This collaboration allows us to make informed decisions and respond effectively.

During a widespread outage, the EOP’s detailed restoration procedures enable us to restore power and fiber communications as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our operations teams actively engage in following the established procedures closely to ensure safety and compliance without compromise.

Being at the Ready

None of our planning, practice, or procedures would be successful without the efforts of our dedicated employees. Their commitment to serving our members and each other drives our cooperative-wide effort during emergencies. From customer service representatives handling numerous calls to linemen working tirelessly, we treat every outage with importance.


We also prioritize member communication and preparedness. Through our social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we keep members informed about weather conditions and provide updates on outages. Our MyGVEC customer portal helps members monitor their electric usage, report outages and receive weather alerts. TextPower™ is another free service that allows members to report outages and get status updates via text message.

We strongly encourage members to keep their account information up-to-date, enabling them to utilize MyGVEC and TextPower with no issue in emergency situations. Updating contact information can be done through MyGVEC or by contacting our customer service.

GVEC is well-prepared for the 2023 hurricane season and beyond. Our thorough planning, collaboration and dedicated team ensure a prompt response to storms. Rest assured, GVEC is committed to providing reliable and safe power to our members no matter what Mother Nature has in store.

I am always interested in your comments and feedback. Contact me by phone at 830.857.1152, by email at or by mail at P.O. Box 118, Gonzales, Texas 78629.

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